Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hi, My name is Brianna Harvey and I am taking Math for Elementary Teachers at Waubonsee Community College.  I am taking this course because it is a required course to both transfer and to get my associates degree in Special Education.  I love working with children and can not wait to start teaching.

To be completely honest I was really worried about taking this course because I am not the best at math.  As it turns out I am enjoying class so far, it is very hands on, which is different from any math class I have ever taken. When learning new concepts each step is broken down in the problem, and you are told why you are doing it- which helps me better understand a problem and better explain to others what should be done.

One of the assignments for this course is to make a blog, and another is a Inquiry Based Learning Project.

(I have never done a blog before this is my first one, so this is going to be an adventure on its own.)


  1. It really is good to know that other people feel the same way about different subjects, espeacilly Math! Math is really a tough subject and it takes dedication and being open minded to really "GET IT". So far, so good though-I am a hands-on learning and it really feels great to be able to use objects and various examples to help understand the subject. Good luck, from observing you in other classes, I know you'll do great!
    shayna w-

  2. I feel the same about math as you do.It has been along time since i`ve had math class. The class is very interesting on the many ways you can teach how to do problems. I hope the test is not hard tuesday. Have a good day.

  3. All the hands learning has to be helpful as you look at teaching Special Education! Congrats on being accepted at Aurora University!
